Monday, July 19, 2010

Khan Academy

I feel compelled to mention this web-site: . Per Wikipedia:
"The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit educational organization created and sustained by Salman Khan. With the stated mission "of providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere", the Academy supplies a free online collection of more than 1,400 videos on mathematics, science, and economics."
It is a fantastic resource of anyone wanting to learn math or physics or brush up on forgotten skills.

If you have any desire to learn or relearn these subjects - please go to this site. If you want to see how technology and the internet can make a real positive difference in the world - go to this site. If you want to hear and see an excellent teacher - go to this site.

One of the things I enjoy about math is that it engages the mind in a fruitful activity divorced from the  emotional slavery of everyday life. Its good clean fun - much like chess.  Most math books are written with some other idea in mind - and even with my enlightened attitude, I quickly hit a wall in my understanding or just get bored with them.  Khan's web-site puts the fun back into learning.


  1. johnson, nice find! academic earth has a similar mission - it's been called "the hulu of education" - it aggregates video lectures from top universities all in one place.

  2. Thanks Christopher. Awesome site. I had not seen it before.
